From the category archives:

affiliate marketing

Changing CPC payouts on ad networks based on traffic “quality”

by Ian Rosenwach 9.13.2009

eBay and Yahoo have both recently changed how they pay the Publishers in their ad networks.  The eBay Partner Network was a CPA-based affiliate network, up to this point.  Their communications both talk about payout being based on the “quality” of the publishers traffic.  Quality as determined by their algorithms.  TechCrunch writes up the Yahoo […]

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Another reason why Amazon won’t commission on sales from shortened URL’s

by Ian Rosenwach 7.24.2009

There’s a post on Search Engine Journal about a new Amazon policy of not paying out commission to Amazon Associates who drive a referral (sale) using a “shortened” URL. The post focuses a lot on implications to social media marketing, but it may be about something different – PageRank and natural search. Amazon leverages it’s […]

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Attribution in Affiliate Marketing

by Ian Rosenwach 7.21.2009

Affiliate Window Blog » Affiliate Multi-attribution Model Discussed: This is a blog post from a UK affiliate network about attribution and the “last click wins” model of affiliate marketing.  This means that the site that the consumer last clicked through before completing an action (usually a purchase) gets 100% of the advertiser commission.  Attribution refers […]

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