From the category archives:


What is “Fake News”?

by Ian Rosenwach 11.15.2016

Yesterday Google and Facebook both announced they were cracking down on “fake news” sites that are using their ad networks to make money. First some background: Google and Facebook have publisher networks that display ads sold by Google or FB on their site.  The revenue from those ads is split between the Publisher and Google/FB. […]

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With Paper, Facebook thinks like a Media Company

by Ian Rosenwach 2.4.2014

Yesterday Facebook released Paper, a new stand-alone app to browse content. Paper represents a dramatic departure from Facebook as a place to connect with your friends. Paper aims to connect users with the rest of the world. It’s also the first step towards Facebook becoming a media company. Your Friends – Just a Channel Paper […]

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What Facebook Video Ads learned from Video on Instagram

by Ian Rosenwach 12.18.2013

Remember Video on Instagram? It was announced 6 months ago with much fanfare as a new way for users to share stories. Instagram was owned by Facebook at that point, and still is. As Facebook was conceiving video ads it’s natural they’d look to Instagram for some insight and data. Instagram may not be earning revenue with […]

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