From the category archives:

search engines

App discovery – when will app search evolve?

by Ian Rosenwach 8.16.2013

Ben Evans has a good post on the history of content discovery on the web and the implications for app discovery.  I want to talk specifically about discovery through search, and why search isn’t as effective as it could be for app discovery. Inputting a keyword requires the user to have at a sense of […]

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10 Years is a Lifetime in Search

by Ian Rosenwach 7.29.2009

The Yahoo-Microsoft deal is finally sealed.  The first part that jumped out at me is the 10 year agreement. 10 years is a LIFETIME in search.  The market is going to change, and this partnership does not guarantee a long-term, formidable Google competitor. If Yahoo and MSFT don’t enhance their core product to improve the […]

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